
simplexml at sourceforge
Home > Usage
Simple XML Parser
Demo applications
About the parser
Known limitations
Extending the parser
Release 1.0

Demo applications

The simple XML parser comes with two simple demo applications showing its use. To build and test them simply perform the following steps:

  1. If necessary modify the Makefiles in the toplevel and the demo directory according to your system (this shouldn't be necessary)
  2. % make
  3. % cd demo
  4. % make run

The demo applications included are:

A simple dumper that reads an XML file and dumps what it has read to standard out. This example shows the events generated by the parser.
An application that reads an XML group file that contains persons and groups of persons. You may perform simple queries (such as list all persons in a group). In addition it shows how one may re-use the simple XML parser once it's been created.

(Please note that in real life one would specify this XML file differently and e.g. use a DTD to prevent the two-pass parsing but this is an example to illustrate the use of the parser and quite ok for this purpose ;-).)

About the parser

The parser only consists of the two files simplexml.c and simplexml.h. That's it.

To use it, simply add the two files to your application and compile it with them (it doesn't make sense to have a library for simplexml since the whole purpose of simplexml is to leave it as simple that you can statically add it to your application).

The parser itself only uses the standard and the string library and should thus compile on almost any platform. (Well, to be honest, I haven't written any C code in years. I'm sure you're going to notice a lot of stuff where you'd say "awww, this must have been made by an OO freak, one wouldn't do it like this in C". Well, feel free to correct the code, and if you do please send me a copy of it ;-))


Using the Simple XML parser is really simple:

  1. Include the parser in your source:
    #include "simplexml.h"
  2. Read all the data you want to parse to a character array:
    char* sData= ...; /* the data to parse */
    long nDataLen= ...; /* the number of characters to parse */
  3. Create a parser:
    SimpleXmlParser parser= simpleXmlCreateParser(sData, nDataLen);
  4. Create a handler for parser events: void* handler (SimpleXmlParser parser, SimpleXmlEvent event,
      const char* szName, const char* szValue) {
      ... /* do something */
      return handler;
  5. Invoke the parser:
    simpleXmlParse(parser, handler);

Note: The beauty of Simple XML lies in the fact the handler may return a different handler for every subtag read, i.e. you may write a handler for every tag type. Take a look at the 'group.c' sample, it makes use of this feature.

To get an idea of how to use something I always prefer demo code (it's the best way to learn something for me). That's why I've included two demo programs: 'dump' and 'group'. 'dump' simply shows off what the parser does by dumping out the various parser events. It does not make use of the handler-switching-feature and is therefore not a very good example. 'group' on the other hand makes use of Simple XML the way it was intended. It reads persons and person groups from an XML file.

For a concise API documentation please refer to the comments in the header file 'simplexml.h' (the comments are written in sort of a JavaDoc style).